King Solomon's Chess Service

Odelia's Research Notes

Before he died, King Solomon called his most trusted
servant and instructed him to destroy his Chess Service.

His servant did as he was instructed. Then, King Solomon
dictated to him, instructions on how to construct a new
Chess Service.

King Solomon's instructions were so complete, that all the
pieces of the Chess Service had some sort of symbol on the
bottom. Maybe of The Zodiac, The Runes, or Hebrew....

King Solomon then instructed his servant to transcribe
everything on an Emerald Tablet. He should take the tablet
and vanish into Arabia.

King Solomon had done some sort of favor for The King of
Arabia (She read about this favor in a work titled "Testament
of Solomon
" found in Old Testament Pseudepigrapha Texts)

King Solomon's servant found shelter in Arabia.

The title on how to play this chess game reads......


The King has ABSOLUTE POWER in his kingdom and
on the battle field, he moves in any direction as he pleases,
but cannot move like his Knight.

(This must mean that The King moves just like A
Queen in the old chess system

The King is to be "in harmony" with his land.
Gold King on gold square, Silver King on silver square.

Then, Wage War.

(The king position on the chessboard, at game
setup, must match it's piece color.

The Prince must accompany his father, The King,
to the battlefield. There, The Prince is instructed in
The Science of Warfare (THE ART OF WAR).

If the King is still alive, his son, the prince CANNOT
move on the battlefield, like his father.

(This is a sign of respect for his father, The King).

The Prince moves one step at a time, on the battlefield.

(This must mean, the prince moves only one square at a
time, in any direction - just like the king moves, in
the old chess system

The King is to pick 4 of his wisest advisers and 4
of his bravest knights to go to war.

(This must mean, there are 4 bishops and 4 knights instead
of 2 ! From what I understand, the knight & bishop move on the
chessboard, in the same way as they did in the old chess system.

The Pawns also move as they did in the old chess system, but
when a Pawn reaches the end of the battle field, it can be
promoted to : (a) A Rook (ii) A Knight (iii) A Wise Man (A Bishop).

(Because that is to Usurp POWER).

As of yet, there is NO MENTION of Castling
or the "en passant" rule anywhere

If the King is slain, The Prince automatically becomes The New King.

If The new king (should the game have one) is checkmated:

Their Kingdom falls.

The Game of War Ends.

King Solomon's Instructions To The Artisan Who Is To Construct His Chess Service

(i) You are to use the Purest of Gold and Silver.

(ii) The chessboard is to be made up of gold and silver squares in a 12 x 12 matrix.

A total of 144 squares.

(iii) Each square is to be inscribed with a mystical symbol, a sign,
a 'figure' (parable/riddle), a wonder.

(iv) Gold is The Sun, Silver is The Moon - They are in opposition (at war).
The chessboard represents The Earth - which is The Battlefield.

(v) Each warrior has A Hebrew Letter or A Rune assigned to it.

Plan Odelia

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